Morning Cardio: Energize Your Day Like Beyoncé: Beyoncé begins her day with 30 minutes of cardio, which may include running, cycling, or HIIT, to boost her metabolism and energy levels

Strength Training: Building Beyoncé’s Iconic Physique” After cardio, she dedicates 45 minutes to weight lifting, focusing on full-body strength exercises that contribute to her toned figure

Dance Practice: The Heart of Beyoncé’s Fitness: Dance rehearsals are a staple in Beyoncé’s routine, practicing 7 days a week for 9 hours, which serves as both cardio and muscle toning

Beyoncé’s Balanced Diet: Fueling a Superstar: Beyoncé’s diet consists of whole, unprocessed foods, emphasizing vegetables, eggs, and lean proteins, with occasional whole grains 

Cheat Days: Beyoncé’s Way of Indulgence: Even Beyoncé enjoys her favorite treats like pizza on cheat days, maintaining a balance between strict dieting and enjoying life 

The Master Cleanse: Beyoncé’s Detox for ‘Dreamgirl: Beyoncé followed the Master Cleanse to lose weight for her role in “Dreamgirls,” consuming a special lemonade mixture for 10 days and avoiding solid foods